Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Vegan Ice Cream Recipe

Prior to going vegan I was totally an ice creamoholic. It was one of my favorite meals (yes MEAL). I went through a slight depression after going vegan, missing ice cream and annoyed at how expensive vegan ice cream was. One day I went over to a friends and the most amazing shiny hot pink appliance was sitting in the kitchen- an ice cream maker. We made ice cream and my mind was blown, it was better then most vegan ice cream on the market and a whole lot cheaper. I immediately went home and ordered one for myself. I have never looked back. Most of my treat making focuses on not having to get a ton of fancy vegan ingredients, I try to keep it to things you normally buy/are fairly cheap to get. There are a few vegan ice cream recipe books on the market, but I have yet to be impressed by any of them and they love to add unnecessary ingredients. For ice cream I usually substitute soy milk for the soy creamer, but that’s just because I won’t spend the money on creamer. It comes out just as yummy, just not as thick.

My favorite type of ice cream to make is peanut butter! Rich and creamy, it is super easy and super cheap. The vanilla recipe is a good base with a ton of possibilities. You can easily subtract 1 cup of the soy “creamer” and add a cup of fruit. Make sure to use soy milk as well, I tried rice milk for the first time in these photos and it was way too watery.  

Basic Vanilla Vegan Ice Cream
4 oz. egg substitute (2 “eggs”)
1 cup sugar
1 cup soy milk
2 cups soy “creamer”
1 ½ tsp. vanilla

To Make:
1.Combine egg substitute, sugar, and vanilla in a blender.
2.Add soy creamer and milk.
3.Blend well, chill thoroughly.
4.follow standard instructions for your ice cream maker.
Vegan Peanut Butter Ice Cream
1 Cup soy “creamer”
1 cup soy milk
1 cup sugar
1 ½ teaspoon vanilla
1 cup peanut butter
4 oz. egg substitute (2 "eggs")

To Make:
1.Combine sugar, peanut butter and “eggs” in a blender.
2.Blend in soy creamer, soymilk and vanilla.
3.Blend well and chill thoroughly.
4. Follow standard instructions for your ice cream maker.
I got extra fancy tonight and made vegan cookie ice cream sandwiches. I used my chocolate chip cookie recipe, then sandwiched my ice cream. The ice cream was vanilla with raw cookie dough swirled in. As I have told all my friends, I have no idea why I am not 300 pounds. 

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