Saturday, April 3, 2010

Vegan Pancakes Recipe

I stalled in bed as long as possible this morning enjoying the opportunity to be completely lazy. Finally having to get up because of sharp pangs of hunger, I made pancakes. It is a beautiful spring day, so I got a little fancy and made them blue with food coloring.

A friend of mine always makes pancakes without measuring, he just throws everything into a bowl and somehow makes perfect pancakes everytime. I am not that good, so this recipe came from me demanding we measure everything out. It is really simple, but is a great base to add things to. My personal favorite is adding chocolate chips, but banana, berries or pretty much whatever you can imagine taste great as well.

Vegan Pancakes Recipe
You Need:
1 cup flour
1 tablespoon sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 cup soymilk
2 tablespoons vegetable oil

Mix all ingredients together, just enough to blend, you don’t want to over mix pancakes. I have been told it is good to let batter sit in the fridge for about an hour, but I am never patient enough to do so. Butter your pan. I heat up the pan, dripping a little batter to check when it in ready. When it is hot enough, pour your pancakes! I cannot flip large pancakes, so I always spoon out silver dollar sized pancakes. They won’t take long to brown since they are small, flip when ready. Easy! This recipe makes enough for about 2 people. I always just half it when I am making it for just myself.

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