Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Black Salt On Everything!

Tonight I unexpectedly went to hear a photographer talk after class. I was super pumped to hear him speak, he is an Argentinean whose brother was disappeared. His focus has been on using photography to represent memory, specifically to recount the dirty war. Totally up my alley. He ended up being completely crazy and impossible to follow. A total bust. Not having planned to attend this gathering, I had not eaten lunch. By the time he started answering questions with long drawn out tangents that never reached a real point, my stomach was coming up my throat demanding food. So I ran over to the grocery store before going home and purchased the makings for vegan alfredo. This is a recipe I have been trying to perfect for a while, constantly merging different recipes people advise me to try to create a super hybrid vegan alfredo. I'm able to make a good, light white sauce but not that alfredo taste. Tonight was by far the closest I have come thanks to my new friend black salt. The recipe is still being worked on but tonight I included tofu, soy milk, salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, margarine, garlic, black salt and toasted pine nuts. Minus the black salt, this is basically a hybrid of two recipes I have separately been playing with in vain attempts to reach perfection.


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